
Manual Therapy

If you are experiencing increased pain and stiffening in any of your joints and muscles, manual therapy is often helpful. Patients seek out this type of physical therapy for a variety of mobility issues.


Sports Therapy

specializing in sports we are seeing so many repetitive strains / tendinitis as well as young surgical patients. Our therapists each have many years of experience. Experience counts! You would not have surgery from a new orthopedic grad so why are you choosing to go to these big corporate rehab facilities that have only new grads working them. Kieran T has 27 years’ experience.


Pre-op / Post-op


Posture Screening

Postural assessment is a valuable tool that our physical therapists use with every patient who is referred for evaluation and treatment. Posture refers to the body’s alignment and position with respect to the force of gravity. There is an ideal alignment in sitting, standing, and walking – in fact in any movement that we do in our daily life, including sports. When we fall out of alignment we risk pain, injury, poor performance, muscle fatigue, and eventual breakdown of muscle and connective tissue. Your physical therapist will assess your posture and will teach you through instruction, exercise and stretching how to stay “aligned” and avoid injury and pain from poor posture.


Electric stimulation


Sound waves at different frequencies and output have shown to reduce swelling and promote deep heat into tissue. We use this modality with shoulders, elbows, knees and ankles to hasten healing time to these joints.

Hip / Knee
